Sunday, October 6, 2019
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
"Object-ify" Ourselves! with Elena Yu
Can we decolonize our bodies through transforming ourselves into objects that hold personal meaning, and what will this look and feel like?
As a part of our current exhibition Subterranean Borders: Colonialism, Extraction and Defiance, Dream Farm Commons is hosting a series of small events, or Encuentros , to decolonize our imaginations or as practical border action.
We welcome Elena Yu for a workshop focusing on decolonizing the body. After a series of movement, writing and sound exercises, we will share object memories. Borrowing each other’s memories as inspiration, we will playfully construct wearable homages and create a moving and embodied landscape of memory.
We will also have a dinner after the workshop made by 2 of the artists from the Subterranean Borders exhibition -- they will make a vegetarian meal inspired by Ingrids Indigenous roots and Ann's California roots -- go here for tix
Sliding scale donation for materials, $5-20
Participants are encouraged to bring secondhand clothing, fabric, or trims to share.
Prior experience with performance or sewing is not necessary
Contact Elena at with questions. Please RSVP if you can but last minute decisions also applauded , so long as there is space.

Elena Dao Jing Yu is an interdisciplinary artist working in drawing, video, performance, weaving, and collaborative works. Her work centers around the representation of physical space, memory, and movement through diagrammatic scores and collective explorations in costuming. Her scores read as both documents of the past and instructions for future works. Elena's Chinese-New Zealand-American mother and grandmother taught her to sew, knit, and crochet at a young age, and she continues these traditions with costumes that seek to expose the multitude of personas within us. She has exhibited, performed and hosted workshops at various venues including the Hammer Museum, the wulf., Royal Nonesuch Gallery, and other artist-run spaces and festivals. She is also a Whiz of Whiz World, a magical speculative feminist publication and collaborative network. Elena received her BA in Art from University of California, Los Angeles and lives and works in Joshua Tree, CA, where she makes art with elementary schoolers, hangs out her with desert idol Linda Carmella Sibio, and works at A-Z West and High Desert Test Sites.